Job Opening: Associate

Table of Contents:

  1. Job Description
  2. Key Responsibilities
  3. Salary
  4. Interview Questions

Job Opening: Associate

Location: Canggu, Bali, Indonesia

Job Description: We are seeking a talented and driven individual to help with Social Media Manager and administrative tasks. You will be responsible for managing our social media presence, performing some administrative tasks, and assisting with other essential functions of the business.

Key Responsibilities:

  • Develop and execute public strategies to attract investors on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.
  • Manage and grow our social media presence, including content creation and engagement with our community.
  • Perform various administrative tasks as needed to support the business.
  • Collaborate with team members on ad hoc projects and initiatives.


Monthly Salary: 10,000,000 IDR/month

Bonus: A year-end bonus will be provided, to be paid out within January of the following year.

Interview Questions:

Question Comments Points
In a single declarative sentence, tell me what bitcoin is. 10
In Google Analytics, nobody is looking at your YouTube interviews with famous celebrities and people are flocking to sign up for live events. How would you respond? 10
We want to hold more cocktail parties in cities where investors live to meet potential clients. What would you suggest? 10
Tell us how you would use AI on the marketing side with respect to getting lists and emails of potential investors. 30
Honestly explain whether you mind doing administrative tasks (like dealing with banks, ordering stationery or t-shirts, or travel arrangements) for ¼ of your time. It’s important you get into a job you like and not just get the job. 10
You are working with an outside vendor to use AI to scrape email lists. How would you make sure the firm retains as much knowledge as possible about his work? 10
When you are using ChatGPT to update and index documents in a complex case with Russian lawyers, in both Russian and English, how would you make sure that details are augmented, added, or updated, but nothing is omitted unless it is intended to be deleted from version to version? 10
In general, how would you automate your use of ChatGPT so that you have to repeat instructions as little as possible and minimize hallucinations? 10
I want to market the multi-legged options strategy program to hedge fund managers and others for whom it would be worth a large fee. How would you find the clients who could benefit from it the most? How would you resolve conflicts of interest between our own proprietary trading and clients' trading? How would you communicate that we are resolving conflicts of interest and explain it to them? How would you determine or estimate the marginal value of the program to potential clients? Explain your thought process and any calculations as methodically as possible. 30
Our hedge fund has been lucrative but is still small. We are considering offering a second service: M&A services. We would approach attractive Indonesian businesses, presenting them to U.S. and European private equity funds and finding a buyer or investor. How would you introduce yourself to entice a CEO or chairman to talk to us? How would you price our services, and why? What advantages or disadvantages do you think we have in marketing Indonesian companies to foreign investors? What documents would you request from them, and over what period? Who is the chairman of Monsieur Spoon, and where are they headquartered? What do you think we could say to them, in particular, that would appeal to them, other than putting them into an auction situation where they get the maximum valuation for their company? 30

If you are interested in this opportunity, please reach out on our contact page.
