How to buy CMFDH 2 Token

How to import our Token in your MetaMask wallet

1.       Create / Connect your Metamask Wallet

a.       Go to

b.       Creat a new Wallet or connect an existing one - click Next and connect.

2.       Connect our token to your MetaMask

Log in to and connect it with your MetaMask wallet with a network BNB Chain. After you connect, you will be able to see display like this:

a.       Double Check again your MetaMask Wallet is connected to

b.       Make sure you have BNB Chain balance and USDT Balance at the same time

c.       For checking your Balance in MetaMask, go to your account

3.       Import our Token in your MetaMask wallet using our contract address

a.       Click on +Import tokens:

b.       Put our Contract Address 0x65F8641e73bCfBd5C8F59C24b3476b8E95D2d969

c.       Put our contract Address and make sure it looks like this and click next

d.       After you connect to our token you will see the CMFDH 2 Token in your metamask Account

How to Deposit our CMFDH 2 Token

a.       Make sure you have balance in your MetaMask wallet both in BNB and USDT - Click the Deposit button

b.       After click on deposit Button then you will see:

c.       Chose USDT as your Deposit and put as much you want, for Example:

d.       Click on Deposit Button and you MetaMask extension will show up to confirm. Make sure you have enough balance in the wallet, either BNB or USDT.

e.       Go to Transaction - you will see your deposit being created:

f.         You will be able to see your wallet Balance of USDT in My Account.

How to buy CMFDH 2 Token

a.       Put as much you want to buy CMFDH 2 Token

b.       After you Buy, you will see from Order History:

How to sell & withdraw your CMFDH 2 TOKEN

a.       Input on how much you want to sell the token and click button sell to selling it

b.       You will see in open order your status to sell your token

c.       After selling your token, you will be able to withdraw. Same as deposit there is withdraw button to click on:

d.       After you click the withdraw button you will see display and you can choose how you want to withdraw CMFDH OR USDT and put how much you want to withdraw your money.

e.       final part you will be able to see you withdraw transaction and waiting until it get done

Token Pre-sale

In case you might prefer for us to handle the transaction for you, please visit - you can always send the token directly to us and we will process it on your behalf:

Please transmit the amount of money you would like to invest:

a.       If you are sending USDC, please send it to: 0x06cfbf02c83dd0dbd9de644d182e35e7af0df76f

b.       If you are sending USDT, please use Solana Protocol and send it to: GD1Yv1MwMVVnvDs2G5wBVUEP4Dx7okw1Z57Qm8qfDqGn

We reserve the right to return the USDC or USDT to its transmission address if we have diligence concerns about the location of the pre-sale token purchaser.